Internationale Music Competition 12.07.2021


The Franz Schubert Conservatory (,,Franz Schubert Konservatorium für Musik und darstellende Kunst") established at 1867. The Franz Schubert Music Conservatory is the oldest private music conservatory in Vienna.

Deadline: July 12, 2021.

1 The ,,Franz Schubert Konservatorium" of Vienna (Austria) is pleased to announce a call for submissions for the ,,International Music Award", an international competition for musicians and groups of all ages and nationalities.

2 All entries must be received no later than July 12, 2021.

3 The Competitor's personal data (First Name, Last Name, Date of birth, Citizenship, Address, Telephone Number, e-mail, teachers name VIDEO published on YouTube and Biography) must be send to:

4 The results of the competition will be published on July 19, 2021.

CATEGORIES (all instruments - strings, wood - wind Instruments, piano, all folklore Instruments etc.)

1. CAT. - Young musicians born after 01/01/2009. Free program with a maximum duration of 3 minutes.
2. CAT. Young musicians born after 01/01/2007. Free program with a maximum duration of 5 minutes.
3. CAT. -Young musicians born after 01/01/2005. Free program with a max. duration of 5 minutes.
4. CAT. - Young musicians born after 01/01/2002. Free program with a max. duration of 5 minutes.
5. CAT. - Young musicians born after 01/01/1999. Free program with a max. duration of 7 minutes.
6. VIRTUOSO - na age limit. Free program with a max. duration of 7 minutes.
7. CAT. - Chamber Music (Folklore and Classical instrumental groups, from 2 to 9 player). Free program with a max. duration of 6 minutes.
8. CAT. - Orchestra (Folklore and Classical instrumental groups). Free program with a max. duration of 6 minutes.
9. CAT. - Choir and Voices. Free program with a max. duration of 6 minutes.
10. Groups for folklore songs. Free program with a max. duration of 6 minutes.

• The entry fee is 40,0 Euro (Cat. 1 - 2)
• The entry fee is 50,0 Euro (Cat. 3 - 10)

1° CLASS. (95 - 100 points) - 1st Prize diploma (for competitor and mentor)
2° CLASS. (90 - 94,99 points) - 2nd Prize diploma (for competitor and mentor)
3° CLASS. (80-89,99 points) - 3rd Prize diploma (for competitor and mentor)

The Absolute Winner for each Category is the competitor who gained the highest score, but not less than 98/100. - For the 1st Absolute Prize: Prize of 250 Euros, a diploma and WORLD PREMIERE.

The payment must be made to:
Franz Schubert Konservatorium
IBAN: AT42 3621 8000 0021 2589
Banc: Raiffeisen Regionalbank - Achenseeor or to


Die Entscheidungen der Jury sind unanfechtbar/decision of the jury is final.

For further information, please contact:
"Franz Schubert Konservatorium"
Untere Viaduktgasse 16
1030 Wien
Web site:

50,00 €
Franz Schubert Konservatorium - 1100 Wien, Absberggasse 27 - Zertifizierte nichtschulische Bildungseinrichtung
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